Added support for $fdd['field']['values']['db']
Replace call to mysql_fetch_assoc with mysql_fetch_array in PME Setup
Tore explicit date support from PME out of frustration--will tackle this later
timestamps are still read-only
Fixed logtable schema in PHPMyEditSetup.php
Changed filters to use strings instead of arrays
Added support for $fdd[col][values]['filters'] when selecting values from another table
Added support for 'graphic' links
Added ability to turn off displaying current sort and/or filters in generated include file
Added nowrap to action (first) column if 'link' style is used
Added support for MySQL enum type
Added support for MySQL set type
Fixed bug with sort field number zero
Fixed bug in PME Setup w/ wrong name to support language labels in generated .inc file
Fixed bug in PME Setup where generated file was including non-existent header/footer files
Added support in PME Setup for default values MySQL derived from MySQL table description
Fixed date edit form display bug
Added another action--Display Detail. In $opts['options'], it's an 'E' and is on by default
24-Jan-02 - 4.001b1 Many Changes
Added support for a calculated column requires:
$fdd['other']['name']='Col Header';
'other' can be anything, but multiple ones in a single file need to be unique
'expression' can be any valid MySQL expression
'type' should reflect the results of the expression, e.g. 'int' or 'string'
all other options work as with other, normal columns
this kind of column is always read-only
Most of these changes were motivated by using PME in two
medium sized projects.
Setup renamed to PHPMyEditSetup.php
Setup Added functionality:
Ascertains field type from mysql database
Setup displays and attempts to write two files.
These files are written to a configurable directory.
PHPMyEdit.inc Added functionality:
Date and Number filter fields now have in/equality operators
Major date handling changes:
Dates now handled with multiple input fields
Specifiable date ranges (within year ranges only) see 'daterange' option
Can set listing limit to -1 (all rows on page)
Can have multiple initial sort fields which are retained as secondary/tertiary/quaternary/etc. sort fields during normal usage
'format' option is deprecated in favor of two new options:
'datemask' is a PHP date style date format that supports a few of the date macros
'mask' is processed by printf() before displaying
'daterange' accepts a range of years
'maxwidth' is a new option that limits the width of filter fields
'URL' options have been expanded, maybe too far for security comfort
'options' have been expanded to recognize additional params
R -- read-only
P -- password field
H -- hidden field
Not for the faint of heart, trigger support has been added, see discussion in home page docs.
Initial filters capability has been added, also not for the faint of heart. Flexibility was chosen at the cost of ease of use
Default field values are now supported
Updates to a table can now be logged to another table
Call to $MyForm -> execute() moved to end of the PME class initializer because it always gets executed then anyway
Previously unidentified bug fixed where if the coder had referred to the same ['values']['table'] for two different fields would pull (and update) based on the last use of the referenced table. Changed all implicit joins to LEFT OUTER JOINs.
Bug fix where addslashes() wasn't complimented by strip
Bug fix where filtering didn't work where there were slashes in the data
Started moving towards single function which generates SELECT statements
06-May-01 - 3.5 multilingual version - you can now change all the displayed text
to your local language.
Limited ability to customise the format used for displaying and
entering dates (d/m/y, m/d/y, d.m.y etc). However, dates in filters
must still be entered in MySQL format.
Fixed some bugs introduced when support of column names containing
special characters or reserved words was added (e.g. using 'Date' as
a column name). Note - database and table names may not contain
special characters or reserved words.
Changed handling of 'Cancel' button - thanks Bret (mogul@gealtinous.com)
23-Apr-01 - 3.4 added 'More' button to 'Add' screen to make it easier to enter
multiple records.
23-Apr-01 - 3.3 fixed bug which prevented 'Next' button working when filter had
been activated (oops).
18-Apr-01 - 3.2 added ['select'] = 'M' to allow Multiple values to be selected in
a drop-down list in a filter. The number of values displayed is set
by $multiple (default = 4).
NOTE - $multiple has been added to the call to PHPMyEdit, so this
release is not compatible with calling programs produced by earlier
releases of SETUP.PHP (sorry).
20-Mar-01 - 3.1 added ['options'] to provide full control over which fields appear
on the List, Add, Change, and Delete screens. This replaces 'listview',
which no longer works with this release - i.e.
['options']='ACD' has the same effect as ['listview']=true.
27-Feb-01 - 3.0 PHPMyEdit converted to PHP classes by Pau Aliagas (pau@newtral.com).
This new version will not work with calling programs created by older
versions of SETUP.PHP - you will need to run SETUP.PHP again (sorry).
Added $options='I' - to display records from the table with the
Initial sort suppressed (useful if you have a very large table with
no indexes).
14-Feb-01 - 2.3 added ['description'] option to ['values']. This considerably
enhances PHPMyEdit's ability to handle multiple tables in a
seamless manner. It also involved a lot of new code, so 2.3
should be considered as more risky than the well-tested 2.2.
10-Feb-01 - 2.2 generate javascript to ensure user enters values for fields
marked as 'required'. SETUP.PHP now marks 'not_null' fields as
'required' by default. By Yusuf Kursat Tuncel (kursat@ttnet.net.tr).
PHPMyEdit.PHP now no longer requires 'sort_open_tag' to be set to
NOTE - to use the filter functionality, you must now have 'F' in
$OPTIONS in your calling program. This is set automatically by
02-Feb-01 - 2.1 suppress display of selected fields from the list display but
still allow editing with "listview" property. By Linas Jakucionis
12-Jan-01 - 2.0 added filter functionality based on an idea from Chris.
02-Jan-00 - 1.9 fixed minor bug in display of blank fields as textareas
21-Dec-00 - 1.8 clicking a second time on a column heading causes the sort order
to be reversed - thanks to Paolo Petrini (paolo.petrini@gib.it).
Support multi-line textareas - thanks (again) to Chris Navas.
19-Dec-00 - 1.7 removed restriction that key field must be numeric with $key_type
parameter. Also fixed that not all browsers let you get away with
17-Dec-00 - 1.6 split out php and php3 versions.
SETUP.PHP now prompts for the field to be used as a key.
PHPMyEdit can now populate drop down lists from a field in a table.
11-Dec-00 - 1.5 included a local version of an in_array function so PHP Version 3 users
can use the program (thanks to ivo@ibuildings.nl for the code).
10-Dec-00 - 1.4 Added support for textareas to SETUP.PHP and PHPMyEdit. Merci beaucoup
à Chris Navas (mailto:chris@arbo.com) pour ce petit truc.
08-Dec-00 - 1.3 SETUP is now a bit prettier to look at. PHPMyEdit.PHP now allows
you to store HTML etc inside a table (previously it stripped out anything
that looked like code). Note that it displays HTML as HTML - e.g. if
you store this in a table, that's how it will appear on the
screen - not 'this' in bold type.
03-Dec-00 - 1.2 rather more elegant solution to SETUP.PHP problem already fixed
temporarily in 1.1.
Added warning to SETUP.PHP if PHP is not configured correctly for XML.
Added support for "URL" parameter to SETP.PHP and PHPMyEdit.PHP,
to allow 'clickable' links to email, web, ftp, etc. addresses.
Improved handling of magic_quotes within PHPMyEdit.PHP.
29-Nov-00 - 1.1 temporary fix to glaring bug which prevented SETUP.PHP working
with protected MySQL databases