Please log in to your MySQL database';
if (!empty($submit)) {echo ' Sorry - login failed - please try again
echo '
} else {
if (!isset($db))
$dbs = mysql_list_dbs($dbl);
$num_dbs = mysql_numrows($dbs);
echo ' Please choose a database
} else {
if (!isset($tb))
echo ' Please choose a table from database: '.$db.'
} else {
if (!isset($id))
echo ' Please choose an identifier from table: '.$tb.'
This field will be used in Changes or Deletes.
It must be numeric and must uniquely identify a record.
If you haven\'t got a suitable field select None.
} else {
echo 'Here is your PGPMyEdit calling program
echo 'You may now copy and paste it into your PHP editor
echo '
echo "